Facebook Jail? Here’s What You Need To Know

Q : What does it mean to be in Facebook jail?

A: A more accurate description of Facebook’s Jail is when users are blocked or banned (by Facebook) from posting on the site or accessing their account, due to violations or spammy behavior. Worst-case-scenario is that this “jail” could also lead to aFacebook account being deleted entirely.

Q: How long is a temporary ban on Facebook?

A: A friend of mine has a temporary feature block. Have your friend check their Support Dashboard: Settings > in left column select Support Dashboard. If the temporary feature block is more than 24 hrs. it should be listed along with the duration. usually these blocks last a few days.

Q: How can I recover my blocked Facebook account?

A: Try these options to verify and unlock your temporarily locked Facebook account :

  1. Don’t Open your Facebook account upto 96 hrs. Clear the cache and stuff like history etc. …
  2. If you still can’t, go through theautomated security verification process. …
  3. If you think, your Facebook account was locked or disabled by mistakes.

Tips on How To Avoid It

  1. Let some time pass between posts – If they notice that you’re sharing the same information everywhere all at once, it’s very likely that you’ll get thrown into virtual FB jail

  2. Create original content – Using images from Google’s search results, which have already been marked as SPAM will get you blocked. By using pictures that Google suggests, you run risk that they  that have previously been reported on Facebook as spam. Meaning, when you go to share them, your post will also obtain all the complaints that photo might already have. the warning of originality isn’t limited to just photos. Any file that is shared by many people at once, is likely to be marked as SPAM. This also applies to text and links that you share as well.

  3. Be careful with tagging/ adding people to groups – Knowing who you add and making sure people know who you are significantly reduces the risk of being considered as spam and improves your credibility and your image in the long term. Keeping your Facebook conduct based on honesty and “real” links prevents Facebook from reading your activity as SPAM.  Also avoid adding people to groups without their consent and posting on Facebook pages with non-personal profiles, such as garage sales or classifieds. Nobody likes to be tagged in a photo that they have nothing to do with.

  4. Understand how Facebook works – Don’t use the name of a business for a personal account. Biographies are intended to be used by people with their real names. You can create your actual profile and from there, mention your business in your personal information, or create a page for your project directly.

  5. Don’t act like a spammer  – You should not send friend requests to people that you have no connection with. Why? After rejecting your friendship, Facebook asks users if they know you, and if many of them say “no”, then you’ll be marked as SPAM. Do not promote your business on the business pages of other users, not as a post, nor as a comment. These are unethical behaviors and the account managers of those accounts will NOT hesitate to mark you as spam. Don’t use private messages for promotional purposes, or else you will also be reported by the recipients 

  6. Beware of those who try to sabotage your FB – Its easy for  users mark someone as SPAM on Facebook. If you  detect this by one of your contacts, the first thing you should do is to block them from your page.  You can also visit their personal profile and individually report them by clicking the button with the three little dots.  You can also contact Facebook to explain what happened by using institutional links available at the bottom of the page.

  7. Don’t let Facebook confuse you with a SPAM-bot – A SPAM-bot is an automated program created to mimic human behavior on social networks.  If Facebook brands you as SPAM, the first thing that happens is that they stop you from being able to comment on other pages. According to each case, they can also stop you from even LIKING anything on the social network, among other sanctions due to “excessive behavior”. To avoid this, control the speed at which we like and comment on things.

  8. Don’t post excessively – It’s not necessary to tell people EVERY nitty-gritty detail about your business, life, family, thoughts, opinions, etc. It’s not the idea to saturate your followers’ timelines with non-stop publications, which is a direct invitation to getting marked as SPAM.

  9. Provide accessible and permanent information about who you are – We should remind people what we DO and what we are about, every few posts.This will help welcome new users and will finish convincing potential followers. Also that way, people will have some information about you, which will make them feel comfortable interacting with you.

Source : Postcron.com